I’ve been homebrewing for nearly 10 years, but in that time I’ve only made one German beer, my recent Berliner Weisse. This neglect of the German styles needs to be rectified!
I love kolsch, and I’ve been happy to see it gaining a small but significant popularity in the US in the last decade. I think the only reason I haven’t made one is just that I’ve been distracted making lots of English bitters/milds and Belgain wits to satisfy my low bitterness session beer needs. The time for Kolsch has arrived.
When making a new style for the first time, I like to go with a trusted recipe. This beer is very close to The Mad Fermentationist’s Fall Kolsch. His example is on the bitter end for this style, but I think that will be to my liking.
Since it’s the end of March, not early September, I’ll call my version “Spring Kolsch”
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